Scott's Thoughts 2/14/24

Scott's Thoughts - February 14th, 2024

We get to gather tonight!

Wednesday nights have really become one of the highlights of the week for us, and I really cannot wait! God, in His goodness to the church, has brought new servants in different areas of need, and is continuing to bless the ministry we are doing mid week. Tonight, we continue our study on the Lord's Prayer, using Kevin DeYoung's book as a tool to help with that study!

There are still many places you can jump in, so let us know if you are available to serve others on Wednesday nights!

Last week's passage: Exodus 2

Persistent prayer is powerful for so many different reasons. Exodus 2 gave us a chance to see how God in His providence interweaves prayer with His working. We may not know how God is at work, but we can always trust that He is at work.

Sometimes, that work is in our circumstances, as He patiently fashions history to His will. Sometimes, that is in the lives of others, as God patiently works in the lives of people, like a master sculptor slowly bringing a lump of clay into conformity and beauty. Often times, seasons of persistent prayer are working to change us. It does something good in our souls to ask our Father for something over and over again.

When the chance presents itself, I'd love to hear some of your persistent prayers, so that they can become mine as well. Over the next few weeks, feel free to grab me at an opportune time and let me know what you have been praying a long time for God to do. For the Christian, prayer is always powerful to create change. May we be a people who pray earth-shaking prayer!

This week's text: Exodus 3:1-4:17

This week will be one of the longest passages we will study together for a while, but it all makes up one long conversation between The Lord and Moses. What does this passage teach about the nature of God? Here are some questions I've been thinking through this week as I study the text; I hope you will think through them as well!

1. Why did God appear as a bush that was burning and yet not consumed? What could that symbolize?

2. What does our Lord mean when He describes Himself as "I am that I am?"

3. What are Moses' reasons for being unwilling to do what God commands? How are these similar to our reasons for sometimes being unwilling to do what we know we should do? How does God respond?

Songs this week:


Holy, Holy, Holy

Speak, O Lord

Behold Our God

See you Sunday!

Ruth Anne Catoe